Constants and immutable variables are key for reliable and easy-to-maintain code. They lock values during the code’s run, adding stability and security. This article introduces constants and immutables in programming. We will look specifically at Solidity, a key language for smart contracts.
In Solidity, constants need a set value when the code compiles, decided at declaration. Immuable variables get their value when the contract starts or when they’re declared. Once set, you can’t change them. Knowing how to use these types of variables is vital for efficient, secure coding.
Next, we’ll show you how to declare both constant and immutable variables in Solidity. We’ll talk about their differences, how to see them in your code, and their limits. Plus, we’ll cover how these choices affect storage and gas costs. This helps you make the best decisions for your code.
Ready to understand constants and immutables better? Let’s look at how they make your code more reliable and secure.
How to declare a constant variable
In Solidity, you use the constant
keyword to declare a constant variable. You follow this with the variable name and its value. These variables hold values that don’t change during the program.
To make a constant variable, remember its value is set when compiling. This means it can’t change later. This keeps the value the same always.
These variables are usable both when deploying and after. They help by providing easy access to set values in your program.
Here’s a way to declare a constant variable in Solidity:
contract ExampleContract {
uint256 constant public MAX_VALUE = 1000;
address constant public CONTRACT_OWNER = msg.sender;
In this example, we make a constant called MAX_VALUE
with a value of 1000. It’s usable inside and outside the contract. We also set CONTRACT_OWNER
to the contract owner’s address.
Use constant variables for values that need to stay fixed. These include things like fixed numbers, addresses, or other set values.
How to declare an immutable variable
To use an immutable variable in Solidity, start with ‘immutable’ then add the variable name and value. You can set immutables when creating the contract or right when declaring them. Yet, an immutable’s value is only fixed during the constructor run. So, you cannot base an immutable’s value on another immutable.
Immutables are great for values that must stay the same after the contract is made. They keep data constant and unchangeable during the contract’s life.
Here is an example of declaring an immutable variable:
contract MyContract {
immutable uint256 public myImmutableVariable = 100;
In this case, ‘myImmutableVariable’ is set to 100. After setting, this number cannot be changed. This ensures the variable stays the same while the contract is active.
Key points about constant and immutable variables
There are several key points to remember when using constant and immutable variables in Solidity. Constant and immutable variables help manage data securely and efficiently in smart contracts. Knowing how to use these can significantly improve your contracts.
- Constant Variables Facts: Constant variables are set during the contract’s deployment. They don’t change afterward. This makes them perfect for values that won’t need updating. They are stored in the contract’s bytecode, which helps save space.
- Immutable Variables Facts: Immutable variables get their values during constructor execution but can’t be accessed until it finishes. They’re set once when the contract is created and remain that way. This feature is useful for values that must not change after the contract is deployed.
- Constant Variable Usage: Constant variables are accessible during deployment and are stored efficiently in bytecode. This is because they are known and fixed. By doing so, they help in reducing the storage size of the contract.
- Immutable Variable Usage: Like constant variables, immutable ones are stored in bytecode for efficiency. However, their values are fixed during contract creation. They can then be used any time after the contract starts running. This makes them useful for key contract values.
When you declare these variables, you can choose their visibility like public, private, or internal. This decision controls who can see or use the variables. It helps in maintaining the security and structure of your contract.
State visibility for constant variables
When you declare constant variables in Solidity, you get to choose their state visibilities. This choice impacts how these variables can be used in your contract and others.
Public constant variables
Public constant variables aren’t just available inside the contract. They can also be accessed by other contracts. This allows other contracts to read and change these variables.
Private constant variables
But private constant variables are different. They can only be accessed within their own contract. This means no external contract can see or change these variables. They stay safe and hidden.
Internal constant variables
Internal constant variables are similar to private ones, with a twist. They’re only available within the contract, or any contract derived from it.
Choosing the right state visibility for your variables helps you manage who can see and use them. This ensures your contract stays secure and works as intended.
State visibility for immutable variables
When using immutables in Solidity, you can set their visibility in different ways. This helps control who can see and use your immutable variables. It’s key for keeping your data safe and sound.
Public immutable variables
Public immutable variables can be seen and used by others. Not just in your contract but also in external ones. This is handy for sharing key values that don’t change.
Private immutable variables
Private immutable variables, though, are hidden from outside contracts. They are only available inside the contract they’re in. This keeps your contract’s inside info safe.
Internal immutable variables
Internal immutable variables sit between public and private. They can be used within the contract and its children. This gives you a way to share values in a controlled manner.
Choosing the right visibility for your immutables is vital. It makes sure your data stays secure while being available where it’s needed. Whether public, private, or internal, picking wisely makes your contracts strong and dependable.
Understanding the restrictions of constants and immutables in Solidity
Constants and immutables in Solidity come with specific rules. Developers need to know these rules to use them correctly. These limits ensure the code is secure and works well.
Restrictions of Constant Variables:
- Constant variables can have any value type, such as integers, booleans, addresses, and more.
- They can also store string and bytes values, but they do not support structs.
Restrictions of Immutable Variables:
- Immutables can only have value types and cannot store non-value types like string, bytes, or structs.
Knowing these rules is key when working with constants and immutables in Solidity. Sticking to these limits helps keep the code running smoothly and keeps it easy to manage.
Constant and immutable storage and gas cost analysis
Knowing the difference between constant and immutable variables in Solidity is key. They affect your smart contracts’ storage and gas costs in different ways. Each plays a unique role.
Constant variables don’t need their own storage slot because they’re part of the contract’s code. This makes your contract smaller and more efficient. Immutable variables, however, take up a 32-byte word in the code, even if they use less space.
Gas costs differ too. Constant variables cost less in gas since they are evaluated each time they’re used. Immutable ones, though, are only set once when the contract is created. This difference means choosing the right type can save gas.
Knowing about constant and immutable storage and gas use helps you write better smart contracts. Whether you’re trying to save on storage or gas, choosing right helps. This understanding is crucial for creating effective and scalable blockchain apps.

Nicholas Flynn stands at the crossroads of technology and education, guiding those new to the digital realm through its complexities with ease and clarity. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in tech education, Nicholas has become a beacon for beginners looking to navigate the tech world.